Thursday, August 09, 2007

Cash Black

Georgia O'Keefe: "Drawing No. 9 is the drawing of a headache. It was a very bad headache. Well, I had the headache, why not do something with it?"

More purple, blue, and black. There are many many shades and tones of black and a plenitude of odd shapes that resemble nothing but other odd shapes.

But with shimmering black snow.

From the American College of Occupational and Enviromental Medicine:

"Analyses were run for both a major financial services corporation and a representative U.S. company. The major financial services corporation, with 87,821 employees, is projected to lose 538 person-years annually, at an estimated cost of $23.8 million. A representative U.S. company with 10,000 employees is projected to lose 46.0 person-years of productive effort annually as a result of migraine, valued at approximately $1.94 million."

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